Deacon Patrick

Playing in the Most Holy Trinity's Tidal Pool of Infinity, whither intersects eternal and carnal.

God's engineering is the simple process of living in a way that allows our bodies to function in a strong, healthy way, maximizing our ability to fight off disease and to live as fully as possible.

One powerful aspect of God's engineering that is helpful to know for being out and about is to only breathe through your nose. This does a number of things (feel free to do your own research here, but it is basic biology):


As parents of faith are spending school time with their kids, many are discovering their kids are exposed to a lot of sinful ideas as though they are normal, both at school and in various media. Now, all that is funneled through the screens into the home. How can a faithful family promote conversations about our Catholic faith and confront these hidden sins that are so normal they may not seem like sins to many?


In this article expressing a hunger for shepherding in a time when the regular avenues of shepherding are cut off, Janet Smith asks some questions regarding spiritual communion with the Mass and watching Mass that are common among many faithful.

Here are my own responses based on our family's experiencing fasting from Mass and the spiritual experience of seeking unity and light of Christ at a time when we are not able to attend public Mass (a challenge I've had for years, since 2002, because of my brain injury). This are an attempt to address the poverty currently experienced, and do not have the weight of teaching. I am happy to make any corrections required.


It is easy to become overwhelmed by news that is designed to instill fear and may carry a lot of bias. I've been receiving this The Loop, a Catholic Vote ministry cultivation of news and find it to be well sourced. Subscribe to The Loop here.

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This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

Sin is the Greatest Virus to Infect Humanity

The most aggressive virus to ever effect humanity is sin. The virus of sin has a 100% infection rate, and without the cure, a 100% eternal death rate. On our own, we are powerless against sin, powerless to save ourselves, and the greater our efforts to save ourselves from sin, the greater our arrogance (believing we can) and thus the more spectacularly we deepen our sin.

Christ is the Cure

Humble obedience to Jesus our Christ is the one and only cure for the virus of sin.

COVID-19, Eucharist, and Faith

Our world's bishops have taken the unprecedented step to protect their flocks from the spread of a virus of the clay by canceling public Mass. Eucharist, which is the source and summit of Christ's light in our life, is now unable to be received. People are cut off from the source of light in their life and are feeling the pain of this in their lives, not just because families are stuck together in a way unlike anything before, trying to homeschool for the first time, but mostly because the regular refueling of the soul with Christ's light in the Eucharist is gone.

Everyone is Reeling, Including Shepherds

How do we shepherd and receive shepherding when we are cut off from the lush pastures? When we are a flock sequestered into our own homes, and it feels like we are easily picked off by Satan's temptations?

We need to open our hearts in a new way to hunger for Christ as never before, even as we fill our lives with grace as much as possible.

Light of Christ, Home Delivery

People across the globe are sharing the light of Christ in many and amazing ways through technology. I will post to this blog various resources I find that feed the soul, bring the light of Christ into our homes and hearts at a time we need it most.

Submit your thoughts, story, link regarding living our Catholic faith amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

May God startle you with joy!

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

#Catholic #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Christ #Light #Hope

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

Catholics believe that parents are the primary educators of their children. IT is also a basic human right for parents to educate their children. Whatever your faith, the shutting down of schools due to COVID19 is a reminder of our call, and there are plenty of gifts and challenges to rise up and answer it. Know and trust that God gives the grace needed to all parents, we just need to open our hearts, that we might run toward Jesus with open arms and receive the gifts of grace he has already given us!


“For whoso loveth himself, not God, loveth not himself: man that cannot live of himself, must die by loving himself; and he cannot love himself, who loves himself to his own destruction. > Saint Augustine, Catina Aurea on John 21:18-19

God? Human? Why? Heaven and Hell? Oblivion?

No longer is societal understanding of these questions based on Judeo-Christian belief. Atheistic nihilism seems as good a label as any. The shift has been growing beneath the surface of society for a while, hidden, then burst out in the last decade, coinciding with the Obama Presidency.

These fundamental questions are underneath the strife in our cultural clash about social issues.


I keep seeing an entirely correct, though incomplete thought. To be complete it needs to be: “Not your body, not your choice. — every human from the moment of conception.” Yes, women's right are human rights, and human rights begin at conception.

Amazing how obvious the truth is yet how feminists avoid it by only giving a partial truth. That's happened before, in the garden: “You won't die (right away).”

#life #choice

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

Every ad agency in the world knows if you want to sell, a woman’s sillouette ends all thoughts and demands the attention of whomever sees it. Why? Men are hardwired to notice a woman’s silhouette and doing so immediately triggers a number of arousal mechanisms in brain and body chemestry. Women are hardwired to compare themselves with the competition with various and immediate changes of they clay for them as well. If you want your (car, cigar, bar, jeans, soda, straws, cows, etc.) noticed clad it with a woman’s silhouette. But don’t just take my word for it, Saints and Science say the same thing.


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