Deacon Patrick

Playing in the Most Holy Trinity's Tidal Pool of Infinity, whither intersects eternal and carnal.

No matter what ails us or what sins we've committed, humbly kneeling before Christ on the cross and asking for the grace to “love one another as I have loved you” is the way forward, the way to receive Christ's healing balm of peace, and the path to holiness.

Recent headlines show that, in this reactive environment after the horrific murder of George Floyd, the definition of terms like “racist,” “racism,” “white supremest,” and other true evils that ought to be applied very sparingly and only with clear evidence, have expanded so broadly as to risk losing all meaning: a grave disservice to those who strive for healing and upholding of human dignity no matter the circumstances. Expanding the definitions of racist and white supremest to include anyone who disagrees with the organization “Black Lives Matter” is a path to destruction and horror, not healing and seeking creative paths forward that co-create with God.

Injustice must be addressed and healed. Reactions to injustice that perpetrate new injustice lead us away from the Cure and only make things worse. If justice (right relationship between us and God, ourselves, others, and nature is the theological definition of justice) is what we seek, we head the wrong way by rioting, looting, burning, attacking, destroying, or accusing and convicting without due process.

In a world where social media allows for instant inflammation, we need the healing balm of Christ's peace more than ever.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

Let's keep things in perspective: we are in the middle of the largest, most costly global science experiment ever, postulating that quarantining the whole population instead of the sick and vulnerable is the best way to control a virus. Results are still pending, and many parties have a vested interest in the results, so bias may occur. Please be patient ... we are all lab rats, er, guinea pigs, if you prefer, and feeling a wee bit punchy. Kindness is essential. May God startle you with joy!

#COVID-19 #perspective

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

(note too, the dino in mask, Dinosaur Center, Woodland Park, Co.)

#mask #COVID19 #exercise

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

Now is the perfect opportunity to take a virtual pilgrimage this Holy Week. Virtual Pilgrimage for Holy Week.

May Jesus startle you with joy!

Subscribe and save (energy). Grin.

#holyweek #virtual #COVID19

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

By Corinna Turner

Why not try my unSPARKed series? (BREACH!, DRIVE!, A Truly Raptor-ous Welcome, etc.) Because dinosaurs are more fun than viruses—they're large enough to see and can be overcome by more hands-on means than simply staying home! The moving adventure story BREACH! will also challenge you to think about what's most important in life.

Fancy something a bit more serious?


Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips, and Testimonies by Nancy Ward. Now is the ideal time to journal, clarify your faith story and be ready to share how God is transforming you through God-moments of grace. Draw inspiration from 30 Catholics who share their conversion, renewal and vocation stories. Kindle now .99.

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

This Catholic Arts and Letters Award Winner is a novel inspired by two amazing sisters who lived in 18th-century Milan, one a mathematician, the other a composer. At its core, the novel is the story of two teens struggling to follow their true calling, even when it conflicts with their father's goals. This sweet historical romance is appropriate for ages 12 and up. You can purchase it in ebook or paperback wherever books are sold. The paperback edition is currently on sale at Amazon .

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

There is a resurgence of Catholic writing happening in the Church, much of it hidden as Catholic authors struggle to find publishers, publishes struggle to navigate technology and reading habit shifts, and authors shift to self publishing. The bottom line is there is a lot of great new content, a lot of it faithful fiction, and members of the Catholic Writer's Guild are striving to bring it to you.

I've invited Guild members to submit their works for posting here to help you be aware of them. They will appear as individual posts.


by Carolyn Astfalk

What happens to Brian when his world comes crashing down? Will he turn to the false comfort of old, habitual sin? Or will he seek God's grace and trust Him and His timing?

Available online in paperback through major retailers and in ebook on a variety of platforms. Find links here.

This blog is spread primarily by word of mouth ... please forward with abandon! I'm an award winning author. Here are my books. Oh — I'm not on social media so to “follow” me: Subscribe and receive new posts free in the mail!

Growing up in the 1970's and 80's, we saw examples of how communism both came to power and retained power over the people. It produced “art” that was actually propaganda, telling stories and revealing a world view of bold human progress through great effort together against all comers. Schools, state run, of course, taught a world view that necessitated compliance to the great vision and did not tolerate deviance, even and especially from parents. Education did not teach children to think, as did, supposedly, our education system, or reason. Ideas outside the state world view were not to be entertained. “How could that happen?” we wondered, “How could they be so foolish?”

Yet we have witnessed, if not understood, the very same happening in the United States test past few decades. It is the modernism the Church and her popes of the late 1800's into the early 1900's warned against. It is the danger we forgot to pay attention do in our own midst as the world fought two wars and a cold war and celebrated the fall of communism, but the poison was already in our air and water: the heresy of personal “truth.”

Perhaps, now that parents and children are home and parents are seeing how their kids do, and do not, think, what has been taught, and not taught, and what propaganda infiltrates modern shows, movies, social media ... perhaps we can see the greater danger facing humanity is to the soul.


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