Riffing on COVID-19
Various and sundry dry good thoughts that may just be me.
- “Unprecedented” is being used at globally unprecedented levels.
- Being so unprecedented means no one knows much of anything, because, how could they. This virus is unprecedented. This near simultaneous global shut down is unprecedented.
- We, all of us, each of us, are soldiers on the front line. Some more obviously than others, but with 80-85% of infected people showing no symptoms whatsoever, we are all on the front lines.
- Soldiers obey orders and fight for the man next to them. That's what we are each doing. I, for one, have a lot of questions. There is much I do not understand. But wars are won because soldiers obey orders from their general, and our political leaders are our general. But now is not the time to ask questions, because no matter who asks the questions, no one knows the answer, and this is the course we are taking, so, we follow our leader(s) and reserve the questions for when we are standing outside the far end of the tunnel, in the flowery meadow basking in the sun.
- Faith matters. Fear of a virus that, before the internet may have passed as a vigorous flu season, is feeding sin, a virus that infects 100% of humans and, without Christ the cure, has an eternal death rate of 100%.
- Saints travel in bunches, and these times call for living saints. Create and join a halo, even by video chat, and run toward Christ together!
- Read as a family instead of screentime. Here is a series of modern Catholic parables I pivoted to have address the current challenges of faith and virus, on Shepherds and Halos.
- Fear itself is not a sin, but fear fuels our mistrust that God is God and we are we.
- Fear not! God is God. God so desires deep, abiding, eternal relationship with us that he made this whole universe this way just to be with us and give us the opportunity to choose Him and say “Yes!” to the cure of His Son Jesus our Christ.
- Christ is with us always. Yes, many of us around the world are not able to attend Mass and feel a deepening hunger for something that seemed routine. Saint Augustine fasted from the Eucharist in his last days, so his hunger for Christ might deepen. May our hunger for Jesus deepen, even as we enter into spiritual communion with Jesus in watching Mass from home.
- Be the hands and feet of Christ for your brothers and sisters in the trenches next to you by serving them and their needs, and be amazed by how much it launches you forward.
May God startle you with joy!
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